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Capital Projects

Pump Station & Force Main Improvements Project

Gleneden Sanitary District operates and maintains a sewer system that includes 16 pump stations, about 110,000 feet of pipe and 390 manholes. In 2018 the District completed an update to their Facilities Plan. This updated plan identified the pump station (PS) and pipeline improvements described below as high priority capital improvements.

  • PS Replacement – Laurel Street and North Coronado
  • North Coronado Pipeline (Pressure Main) Replacement
  • PS Renovations – Seagrove North and Seagrove South
  • Control System Upgrades at Other Pump Stations

The project is intended to meet the following main objectives:

  • Improve reliability and reduce the risk of sewage overflows, thereby reducing public health hazards and the risk of polluting nearby wetlands or creeks.
  • Reduce maintenance requirements and eliminate safety hazards that workers currently face.
  • Reduce hazards from electrical components that are worn out and do not meet current electrical code.